San Gerardo de Dota is a beautiful town located about 88 km south of San Jose, via the South Panamerican Highway. Upon arrival at Km 80 you take 8 km down to the river and find this beautiful town.
When you get to San Gerardo, the atmosphere here evokes a European country like Switzerland or other due to the climate or the environment like the gardens, but after a while, the dense vegetation, the typical houses of the area, the hotels and locals remind you that you are in Costa Rica, though, the beautiful Costa Rica.
In San Gerardo there is an abundant biodiversity, more than 200 species of birds, virgin forests of Abundant wildlife and plant, in fact, the main tourist boom began when some professors at the Harvard University visited the area in search of mini-orchids and they were in love with the place, made their recommendation to other scholars and thus, little by little started the tourism and the hotel project in the area.
To get to San Gerardo you should go down a hill, but the road is fairly well kept, and the steeper sides are covered with asphalt, so that even cars can get there.
By going down in the hills you will have some of the more beautifully unspoiled mountain landscapes views of our country, gasps when you can see at the bottom of the river the village, besides the wooden houses with chimneys (not only for decoration, instead of, it´s because the low temperatures of San Gerardo) and the beautiful gardens, in fact, the climate is very suitable for growing flowers that grow there like the grass.
In this beautiful environment, almost from its first inhabitants became known that one of the products that could sell the "rural tourism" and was like "Chacón brothers" after a while, decided to put a cabins and invite people to come and observe birds, one or more nights stay and enjoy the beautiful environment.
Among many activities you can enjoy here are the following tours and activities:
1. Bird watching tour, and especially the observation of the Quetzal: Although birds can be observed the entire year, and likewise the Quetzal, his observation is more frequent between April and May.
2. Fruit Tour: This is an area where there are plums, apples, avocados, pears, among others, the tour is an experience to meet their growing and processing.
3. Horse back riding Tour: It takes you all over town, in addition to being offered the chance to meet different paths and destinations of the area.
4. Sport Fishing Tour: In the Savegre river you can go fishing, the fly fishing season is from May to June, but the bait fishing season from December to March.
Among other tours in the area.
The choice of accommodation is quite varied and of high quality, you will find very luxurious and comfortable hotels, but there are more modest options.
In San Gerardo de Dota you will find everything from hotels, cabins, apartments to camping areas.
Also you can have all inclusive packages, accommodation only or honeymoon and adventure packages, you just have to decide what you like most and here in San Gerardo de Dota, it is offered.
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